Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Acrylic Gluing : Block Tape

Block Tape

The ideal adhesive tape for joint and hinge bonding. This tape is used to form pockets so that the adhesive shrinkage of polymerisation adhesives can be compensated for by 15 - 20 %.
Roll length: 33 m
Roll width: 90 mm

Your benefits at a glance:

⌧ No stress cracking due to the adhesive tape.
⌧ Precise edge inspection due to colouring
of the tape.
⌧ Adhesive-free zone in the middle area
⌧ Adhesive resistance of the adhesive tape.
⌧ High tear strength of the adhesive tape.
⌧ Adhesive tape thickness: 52 µm.

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Imprint and Copyright: Serrox Technischer Handel Roland Sättler, Reinheimer Str. 41, D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt. USt-ID: DE214747801.

+49 (0) 6154 575-001 +49 (0) 6154 575-002

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