Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Acrylic Gluing : ACRIFIX® Solvent adhesives

ACRIFIX® Solvent adhesives

Solvent adhesives dissolve the adhesive surface of acrylic glass (GS and XT), causing the polymer chains to swell and interlock. The solvents then escape by evaporation from the adhesive or by diffusion into the acrylic glass. The polymer chains interlock, contract and form the connection.

Your benefits at a glance:

This article in application video:

Grooving acrylic glass and making boxes

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Imprint and Copyright: Serrox Technischer Handel Roland Sättler, Reinheimer Str. 41, D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt. USt-ID: DE214747801.

+49 (0) 6154 575-001 +49 (0) 6154 575-002

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